Sign up is the first basic step a new user will take in other to get access to this automated app. The signup process is made up of three (3) steps.

  1. Signup. 
  2. Account activation  and creating password. 
  3. First installation process.  

Signup steps:

Fig.5 home page. Try for free button is annotated with red arrow, this button will redirect user to the signup page.

  • Input first name. 
  • Input last name. 
  • Input email address (company mail). 
  • Click next.

Fig.6 popup screen after clicking try for free button. 

  • Select country using dropdown.
  • Select industry.
  • Input company name.
  • Click create account button. 

How to Create Password & Account Activation. 

  • Upon successful registration, a verification link will be sent to users email which was used during registration.
  • Click on the activation link attached to the mail.
  • User will be redirected to a new landing screen to enable  password creation. 
  • Input preferred domain name.
  • Click on the checkbox.
  • Type in preferred password. 
  • Repeat same password.
  • Click on activate.

Fig.6.1 verification mail sent to user. Click on "activate account" annotated with red arrow to view the next landing page as shown in figure 7 below

Fig.7 popup screen upon clicking the activation link in mail. 

Note: After successful account activation, user will have to go through the first phase of installation process, then user will be redirected to the login page. 

First Installation Process

Upon successful activation of account and onboarding, the next step is the first phase of installation process:

  • User is brought to the activate account landing page, then you click on next

Fig.8 installation popup screen upon successfully creating password and activating account.      


  • Read through the software license agreement and click next

Fig.9 license agreement page.

  • User can view the installation settings via the export configuration settings link, click next. 

Fig.10 installation process screen.

The next screen is the company data:

  • Type in company name.
  • Type in address. 
  • Select country using dropdown.
  • Input number of office branches.
  • Select time zone using dropdown.
  • Input number of employees. 
  • Select reporting currency.
  • Select industry sector using dropdown.
  • Click next.

Fig.11 popup screen for company data details.

The next screen is the branding information screen:

  • Upload brand logo by selecting a preferred company logo from available file on deskt, click upload. 
  • Choose preferred watermark from laptop file, click upload (Optional).
  • Select color theme using dropdown. 
  • Select document type using dropdown.

Fig.12 branding information screen.

  • The next screen shows user have successfully completed the installation process, click finish.

Fig.13 on-clicking finish, user indicates that all installation process is done.

  • User will be redirected to the home page to login.

Fig.14 Login screen.

Fig.15 landing screen after successful registration.

NOTE: The second installation process takes place after successful registration, first phase of installation and login, the second phase installation can be done using the application module to install other necessary applications.