The user management module is where new users are created and their access rights can be effectively managed. It can also be used to create new roles that can later be assigned to a user to perform, which is another reason you have ''users'' and ''roles'' and "role assignment" tiles side by side. 

  • Users- This tile is for creating new users and viewing user logs. Through actions tile, the creator can delete a user, edit user details, resend user detail for validation, and view individual user details that was created.  

 Fig.46 first popup screen on-clicking user management which is the user module. With this screen, user can create, view, delete users. Actions tile is marked with red arrow.

 Fig.47 annotated with red box is the popup screen after clicking the dotted action button (annotated with arrow in figure 46).

 Fig.48 popup screen to edit user screen.

Fig.49 popup screen on-clicking view user.

  • Role-The role tile is for creating new roles. 
  • A user cannot be fully functional without been assigned a role to play, a user can as well be assigned multiple roles. 
  • The role tile can be used for viewing; total number of roles, created roles, role logs, as well as editing or deleting roles using the action button. 
  • Through the role tile, you can view the number of users performing a particular role. There are lists of default roles which are: 
  1. Super admin: The super admin has permission to perform all actions (roles) on the E-procurement platform. 
  2. Requisitioner: The requisitioner is in charge of raising requisitions, sourcing and will see only modules related to Requisition.  
  3. Buyer: The buyer is in charge of raising Purchase orders and invoices. 
  4. Manager: The manager manages all raised requisitions, documentations, approvals (manages all items sent for approval). 
  5. Treasury: This user processes all payment.
  6. Supplier Admin: The supplier admin is in charge of the vendor users on the platform. 
  7. System admin: The system admin manages all users on the platform. 
  8. Account payable: The account payable role controls all payment and ensures all bills are paid in an efficiently and timely manner. This role monitors expenses, verifies and reconciles invoices and keeps records for tax purpose.
  9. Stock controller: The stock controller ensures all stock level are consistent and is responsible for ordering new stock, when necessary, this role ensure the smooth running of all warehouse operations.

Users will only see modules related to assigned roles. 

When additional role is created by a user, existing roles can be referenced, and more permissions can be added.

 It is also not compulsory to reference an existing role.

 Fig.50 landing screen after clicking roles, showing contract management and E-procurement, on-clicking E-procurement user will access the next screen below (image 2.5)

Fig.51 landing screen to view E-procurement role log and create new role, default roles is shown on the log table. 

Roles landing screen on clicking contract management, default roles can be seen on the role logs. 

User can create more roles using the create role button. 

The role log table automatically gets updated when a new role is created.

Fig.52 role landing screen for contract management. create role tile is annotated with red arrow.

Fig.53 landing screen for creating new role under contract management.

Fig.54 red annotation band showing all available default roles list on clicking role preference dropdown.