The following steps are a guide for creating new rocurement roles:

  1. Click on user management.
  2. Click on roles.
  3. Select which application to create role (eProcurement).  
  4. Click create roles.
  5. Input role name.
  6. Select role preference using dropdown. When you select role preference for example; by selecting E-procurement admin role as preferred role, the system automatically selects all admin functions relating to such role. 
  7. Type in role description.
  8. Using check box, user can select additional multiple role permissions for user to perform. 
  9. Click create role.  

Fig.58 landing screen for role, select which platform you want to create role (eProcurement).

Fig.59 landing screen after selecting eProcurement, create role is marked with red arrow.

Fig.60 popup screen for creating new role, user can select multiple roles using checkbox.

Fig.61 updated screen showing newly created roles.

NOTE: The eProcurement application has some default roles as shown in figure 61 above.