Sourcing is a hub for users to manage their sourcing teams and KPIs. With the ability to create and view team details, users can easily keep track of their team's progress. The team ID and name are prominently displayed, along with a list of team members. Users can add new members or remove existing ones when needed. The clickable action button allows users to quickly access important functions, such as editing or deleting teams. In addition to managing sourcing teams, the sourcing menu screen also allows users to create new KPIs. This feature is especially useful for tracking performance metrics and identifying areas for improvement. With so many powerful tools at their fingertips, users can streamline their sourcing processes and stay ahead of the procurement competition.

user can upload existing sourcing team.

Fig.112 Landing screen after clicking sourcing menu showing sourcing team log. create sourcing team button is annotated with red.

Fig.113 popup screen on-clicking create sourcing team button.


Fig.115 Landing screen on-clicking create KPI's, showing KPi's logs with details of total number of KPI's, group description, project type and clickable action tile use for editing and deleting existing  KPI's

Fig.116 create KPI popup screen. 

Fig.117 Popup screen after clicking action tile for managing, editing and deleting kpi's.

Fig. 118 popup screen on clicking the dotted action tile to manage, edit and delete sourcing team member.