The following steps are guide for creating new approval workflow:

  1. Click on settings.
  2. Click on approval workflow. 
  3. Click on create workflow.Fig.134 approval workflow screen 
  4. Select process using dropdown.
  5. Select legal entity using dropdown. 
  6. Select location using dropdown.
  7. Choose material category using dropdown. 
  8. Select purchase group using dropdown
  9. Select department. 
  10. Click on submit button. Fig.135 popup screen for creating approval workflow. 

Upon every successfully created workflow, the approval screen automatically updates its approval log table showing details of newly create or edited workflow (as shown annotated with red in figure 136 below).

Fig.136 newly created workflow will be updated on approval log table. 

Note: Before creating approval workflow, user must have created an existing legal entity, location, purchase group and department.

How to add steps for workflow

Adding steps to an approval workflow is what a user will have to do next after creating a workflow. 

the following is a guide for adding steps to a workflow:

  1. User will click on the dotted action button.Fig.137 action tile for viewing steps is marked with red arrow. 
  2. Click on view steps.
  3. Click on create workflow step (as shown in fig 138 below).Fig.138 pop screen after clicking view steps
  4. Select approver user using dropdown.
  5. Type in step description. 
  6. Click on submitFig.139 add steps popup screenFig.140 Annotated with red is the updated log table after adding step. The dotted action tile can be use to edit or delete steps.
    Fig.140.1 popup screen to edit workflow step 

Note: User can add more than one workflow step each approval flow.