The cost element helps user classify, evaluate consumption of product and factors of its business controlling area.

 It provides insights into the financial aspects of the company, such as production costs, overhead expenses.

By analyzing the cost element, users can make informed decisions regarding pricing strategies, cost reduction initiatives, and the overall profitability of the business.

Fig.149 popup screen after clicking cost element 

How to create cost element 

  1. Click procurement settings
  2. Click accounting. 
  3. Click on cost element.
  4. Click create cost element button.
  5. Type in cost description
  6. Type in element number.
  7. Select company using dropdown.
  8. Click create.

Fig.150 popup screen on-clicking creating cost element. 

Fig.151 annotated is the updated log table screen after creating a cost element.

User can edit existing cost element by clicking on the dotted button beneath action. Fig.152 dotted action button use for editing and deleting cost element.


Fig.153 popup screen for editing cost element

How to upload cost element.

  1. Click create cost element 
  2. toggle the upload a template bar. 
  3. select or download template (document must be a csv file) 
  4. click upload button and wait for item to update on the cost element table log. 

Fig. 001 upload a template toggle button is annotated with red

Fig. 002 upload cost element pop screen