1. Click settings.
  2. Click on-boarding.
  3. Click preferred company to create field set, we will be creating field for Jeda Hospital as example. 
    Fig.168 annotated with red arrow is the selected entity to create field set for
  4. Click on create field set.Fig.169 create field button is annotated with red arrow.
  5. Type in field name.
  6. Input field label.
  7. Input category.
  8. ERP key is automatically generated.
  9. Select required (yes or no).
  10. Select field type using dropdown (selected field type will determine what appears next). 

Fig170 pop-up screen for creating new field set

Note: After successfully creating field for Weizixu company, the on-boarding field automatically gets updated, showing newly created field. User can create more than one field pending on preference. 

Also, the field type selected will determine what comes up next.

Fig.171 Updated screen showing newly created field for Jeda Hospital.