The eProcurement platform helps streamline the procurement process and improve efficiency. It enables cost effectiveness, provides transparency and accountability.

The eProcurement dashboard landing page shows these 2 detailed data charts: 

spend analysis by time  

spend analysis by commodity. 

These 4 summary tiles

  • Total number of suppliers
  • Total spend. 
  • Open purchase orders. 
  • Unpaid invoices.


  • A document log. 
  • A search box 
  • A filter button
  • A sort button
  • A show feature. 

Fig.172 On the E-Procurement dashboard screen, the search, filter button and sort options are annotated with a yellow band. 

The purchase order document log shows: 

  • Date.
  • Document number.
  • Supplier ID.
  • Supplier name. 
  • Amount.
  • Currency. 
  • Status. 

The user can view an individual purchase order by clicking on any line item below. 

Fig.173 Clicking on any lined item as annotated with a red band shows individual purchase order details (as shown in figure 174 below). 

On clicking any of the lined items, the landing screen (as shown in figure 174 below) brings up details of the purchase order, transaction history, and document log showing:

  • Items.
  • Location.
  • Material number. 
  • Product Description. 
  • Quantity.
  • UOM (unit of measurement)
  • Unit price. 
  • Net amount. 

With a single click of the share button, the user can download purchase order details. 

Fig.174 the landing screen on clicking any item (as shown annotated in Figure 173), the share button is marked with a red arrow.