The contract management dash board shows statistical analysis of all active contracts and statistics for contracts per owner and amount, with three separate clickable active tiles showing:

  1. All Contracts: This contracts category shows all types of contracts, both active and expiring contracts. Clicking this tile permits user to view all available contracts.
  2. Active Contracts: The active contracts shows all contracts that are active upon request.
  3. Expiring Contracts: This tile shows all expired contracts and contracts expiry dates. 

With this available tiles user can easily filter what type of contracts they want to see. 

Also, the table log shows the following details:

  • Contract ID.
  • Tittle.
  • Contract type.
  • Status.
  • Business .
  • Start date.
  • Expiry date.

Fig.712 Contract management dashboard. 

Fig.713 Landing screen when populated with data showing two different chart.

  • user can click on view main agreement to view more details of contract. Fig 714 inner screen on-clicking a line item on the dashboard

  • On clicking view main agreement, the next screen below shows outline view which contains added clauses. You can decide to add more clauses and make comment using the comment box 

  • The version history shows the added terms and renewal details of the contract.

  • On satisfactory view of this process, user can then proceed to publish, by clicking the publish button.
    Also, user can save as template for future purpose.