This module gives the user an insight on how to raise document demanding payment from the buyer. All generated invoices is also populated on both the supplier and buyer and portal for reference. 

It contains 4 separate tabs showing: 

  • All invoices.
  • Posted invoice.
  • Pending invoice.
  • Draft. 

  Fig.39 landing screen on-clicking the invoice module. 

There is a search filter option as shown in the image below, to search by:

  • Price range.
  • Status.
  • Start date. 
  • End date. Fig.40 filter search popup screen. 

The screen also has a table that shows summarized information on Invoices raised

  • Invoice number.
  • Organization name.
  • Supplier ref.
  • Purchase order number.
  • Date issued.
  • Status.
  • Amount.

Fig.41 Invoice screen. 

Through this module, user can view individual Invoice details by clicking on a particular line item. 

Fig.42 pop-up screen on-clicking a particular invoice. 

When an Invoice is created, it is received on the Yaraa buyer portal for review. As it is been reviewed, the status changes to "posted" both on the supplier and buyer portal to indicate the various stages of the Invoice.  


Pending - This means that the Invoice is awaiting approval.

Approved - This means that the Invoice has been reviewed and acknowledged.

Posted - This means that it is awaiting review and been processed by the finance team.

Paid - This means that the Invoice has been paid for, fully or partially.

Draft- This means invoice is still under construct and no complete details