To create a Non P.O invoice, user will:  

  1. Click on the invoice module on the supplier portal.
  2. Select create invoice tile. 
  3. Select Non PO invoice. 
  4. Input Contract Reference. A Contract Reference is a reference to an existing contract document.
  5. Select currency. 
  6. Select department.
  7. Input invoice number.
  8. Select payment terms using the dropdown.  
  9. Select the appropriate due date.
  10. Select the Tax detail using dropdown.
  11. Click on submit buttonFig.51 Popup screen to create Non P.O Invoice.

  • After the submit button is clicked, the non-po invoice is saved as draft. User then click on the draft item to further add line item to the Non-PO invoice. Fig.52 Pop screen when a Non P.O Invoice is created, showing as draft.
  • The User is mandated to add line item to Invoice. Fig.53 screen showing the option to add line item. 

To add line item, user will:

  • Input invoice description. 
  • Amount. 
  • Quantity. 
  • Add tax using the toggle button.
  • Click submit.Fig.55 pop up screen when add line item is clicked.

  • After the details have been added, the user can decide to save as draft.

  • When the line item is added, the confirm button becomes active.Fig.57 screen after line items have been added.

  • Once the User clicks on Confirm, the Invoice is immediately forwarded for approval and the status shows Pending (awaiting approval). Fig.58 Screen showing the changed status of the non PO invoice from draft to pending.