The Bids tile displays projects that have been specifically invited by a user or their company (parent account). Users can view bid details and submit directly from this tile. The Negotiations tile displays the number of items that are currently in the negotiation phase. Users can view the negotiation history and communicate with the client through the platform. The module allows users to communicate directly with clients involved in the bidding process.

Overall, this module streamlines the bidding process by providing a centralized location for all project information and communication. 

This module has two tiles: invited bids and negotiations. This module gives the user access to view and review all projects available for a bid. There is a table that shows the most recent documents; it contains the following: 

  • Rfx code. 
  • Description. 
  • Sourcing. 
  • Vendor response status.
  • Time left.
  • Start date.
  • RFP status.
  • More (clickable dotted button).

User can as well make a quick navigation on document by using the search box.

  Fig.23 Landing screen upon clicking Bids. 


Status and Meaning 

  • Review - A bid that has just been accepted to be reviewed. 
  • Accept - A new bid that is yet to be accepted or declined. 
  • View - A bid that its repose has been sent and the duration is yet to elapse. 
  • Closed - A bid that its duration has elapsed. 
  • Negotiate - A bid that has been invited for a negotiation.  
  • Declined - A bid that has been declined.


If the Bid status is in Review and the user clicks decline, it ends the process. But if the user clicks view, user will surf into another screen which can be use to capture bid. This screen will give the user an overview on bids, the technical requirement and commercial requirement.


Overview Screen: Upon clicking the review tile, the overview screen pops up, which gives the user general insight and requirements for the bid.

 Fig.24 overview screen.

Technical requirement landing screen; these are technical questions setup for the supplier to answer


Commercial Requirement: This tile allows the user to input the price to deliver the project being bided for, discount, and project delivery time. 


  Fig.25 pop-up screen on-clicking the commercial requirement tile.