User can create catalogue using the following process:

  1. Click on catalogue.
  2. Click create catalog.
  3. Input product description.
  4. Input unit of measurement ID using dropdown.
  5. Select stock type using the dropdown.
  6. Select material type using dropdown.
  7. Select material category.
  8. Input price.
  9. Select currency. 
  10. Select UNSPSC using dropdown.
  11. Insert image from file by clicking the browse tile. 
  12. Click save. 

Fig 63. Annotated with red is the create catalog button. 

Fig.64 pop-up screen to create catalogue.

There is also option to upload an existing catalogue item. 

 Fig.65 toggle button (green) to upload an existing catalogue item is marked with red arrow.

On-clicking, the screen changes and gives option to; download template, browse and upload an existing catalogue item. Fig.66 upload screen.