If you are seeing figure 371 below, you must have come in from the https://breazeim.yaraapilot.com/supplier

On this page, you have 3 options.

  1. New Supplier Registration: You are a net new supplier, and want to register to commence business transactions with Yaraa.io
  2. Already Registered - Sign-In: You are a registered Supplier and have received login credentials to the Supplier Portal.
  3. Continue: You started your registration to become a Yaraa Supplier(1) but did not complete it the last time, and you would like to continue your registration from where you stopped! you must have received a temporary code in your mail, use that to complete the registration.

To create a new supplier User will:

  1. On the dashboard, click the supplier link or copy and paste URL. 

    Fig.371 supplier link is annotated with red. 

    Fig.372 Landing screen for creating new vendor. New supplier registration is annotated with red arrow.
  2. Click on new supplier registration
  3. Input the following details
  •  First name.
  • Last name. 
  • Email address.
  • Phone number.
  • Click next 
  • Company name. 
  • Position in company. 
  • Business category.
  • Legal entity.
  • Country.
  •  State. 
  • City. 
  • House number.
  • Street name.
  • Address.
  • Click next.  Fig.373 Landing screen for contact information.

      4. Onboarding:  

Fig.374 popup screen for selecting legal entity

6. Bank Information: 

  • Select bank using dropdown. 
  • Input account name. 
  • Input account number. 
  • Bank key auto generates.
  • Input bank branch. 
  • Input bank address.
  • Click submit. 

Fig.375 landing screen for bank information.

Upon successful onboarding, user can use the login credentials that was mailed to login and access the newly created supplier vendor account.  Fig.377 landing for login.

Supplier vendor dashboard upon successful login. Fig.378 Landing after successful login

Note: Upon successful registration, user will get an onboarding notification email with password login details. 

Also, when a user fail to complete registration process, you can always continue by using the temp code that will be sent to user mail to complete registration. The temp code expires after 30days. User will only get login details after account have been successfully approved by the parent user. 

Fig.379 Email format showing temp code, that can be use to continue unfinished registration