The sourcing module provides an overview of all sourcing activities and it's divided into sourcing projects and purchase requisitions. 

Upon clicking sourcing module, user is brought to the landing page, which shows the following information in 2 sections: 

  • Sourcing project 
  • Purchase requisition. 

Sourcing Project is the landing page. Here, users manage all ongoing sourcing projects within the organization. It houses the following information: 

  1. a search box 
  2. a show feature: 10, 20, 30
  3. a filter button: start date, end date, status and department. 
  4. a download button 
  5. 3 summary tiles: open tenders, awarded contracts and selection in progress 
  6. a document log 

The document log displays the following information

  • Serial number 
  • Rfx number 
  • Title 
  • PR number 
  • Department 
  • Duration, 
  • Received quotes 
  • Invited suppliers 
  • Status: draft, pending, approved, awarded and in selection
  • Action: to view or extend 

Fig.197 sourcing landing screen, annotation showing sourcing project and purchase requisition.

Fig.198 showing features of the landing screen

Fig.199 filter search popup screen is annotated with the red box. 

Fig.200 The pop-up screen of the action column.