Achieve full access to unique automated procurement features by installing the E-procurement application.  The installation process consists of four active steps: 

  • Procurement installation (select e-procurement features).  
  • Organization data (for adding a new legal entity). 
  • Location setup. 
  • Process approval strategy.

Installation process, steps 1:    

  1. Click on application module.
  2. Select e-procurement. 
  3. Click on "install application". Fig.25 landing screen showing that E-procurement been selected to be installed.

  4. Select app details using checkbox (user can select every checkbox depending on their payment plan). Fig.26 landing screen for E-procurement 1st installation step.

  5.  Click continue.

    Step 2: Organizations data-Add new legal entity (optional).
  6. Input new entity name.
  7. Select country using dropdown. 
  8. Select currency using dropdown.
  9. Click on add entity(number of users allowed will determine the number of entities that can be added).
  10. Click next(user can add more than one entity). 

Fig.27 add entity landing screen.

Step 3: Location 

  1. Input location name. 
  2. Select legal entity. 
  3. Select country.
  4. Type in address. 
  5. Click on add location (user can add more than one location). 
  6. Click on next. 

Fig.28 location landing screen. 

Step 4:  Process approval strategy. 

This phase involves selecting preferred options using checkboxes (Yes or No) to maintain approval workflow options for each process.


  1. Select purchase request.
  2. Select purchase order option.
  3. Select service entity.
  4. Select reservation.
  5. Service receipt.
  6. Choose supplier registration.
  7. Click "Next."

Fig.29 process approval landing screen.

Fig.30 on-clicking finish indicates user is done with the installation process

  • Click "Go home". 

Note: Upon successful installation, user will be granted a broader, extensive access to the E-procurement. 

Also user can decide not to affix any subject during the installation process by clicking "next" button down to the last step (step 5).