On the Yaraa e-procurement platform, there are several existing units of measurement that can be used while creating product data under the material data module. When a user cannot find a preferred unit of measurement while creating product data, user can create a new unit of measurement using this platform.

The log table shows the unit of measurement code and description for an existing measurement. The user can search using the search box or surf through using the pagination button.

Fig.161 landing screen for unit of measurement.

Fig.162 unit of measurement log table showing ID, UOM code, description, and action.

Fig.163search box is annotated with blue while pagination is annotated with red. 

Note: User can only created a new unit of measurement when the preferred measurement cannot be found.

How To Create Unit of Measurement

  1. Click on settings.
  2. Click accounting setup. 
  3. Click unit of measurement. 
  4. Click create.Fig.164 creating unit of measurement step. 
  5. Input UOM code (unit of measurement)
  6. Input UOM description.
  7. Click "submit" button.  Fig.165 popup screen to create unit of measurement. 

    Fig.165.1 popup screen on-clicking the dotted action button to edit or delete existing Unit of measurement

    Fig.165.2 UOM edit screen