The E-procurement supplier module shows all newly created and existing vendor, with details showing total number of registered suppliers, number of suppliers vendors pending approval, supplier list log table showing; 

  • Legal entity (which legal entity the supplier belong to).
  • Supplier number.
  • Supplier name.
  • Specialization.
  • Status.
  • Action (showing clickable master data).

User can view supplier details using master data tile. The master data shows every detailed information a supplier use while registering as vendor. master data shows information ranging from

  • contact information. 
  • Bank information. 
  • Business category 
  • Other information 
  • Manage user; can be use to edit, deactivate and delete a supplier vendor.  

Fig.243 supplier landing screen, master data is annotated with red arrow, this popups on-clicking the dotted action button under action.

Fig.244 supplier contact information (not editable).

Fig.245 bank information screen. 

Fig.246 business category screen. 

Fig.247 other information screen. 

The "manage users" shows total number of users (supplier) and user logs table that is automatically updated when a new user have been created, this screen is the only tile that have clickable items in it, user can edit, deactivate and delete existing supplier using this screen. this can be achieved by clicking the dotted action tile. Fig.248 manage user screen, action button marked with red arrow. 

Fig.249 popup screen on-clicking the dotted action tile. 

Fog.250 popup screen on-clicking edit user details. 

VIEW TRANSACTIONS: With a click on the view transaction button, user can see all supplier transactions (supplied goods).

landing screen on-clicking view transaction button.