The requisition module helps users view all purchase requests, with details showing the total number of requisitions, pending approvals, and creating a requisition button. 

With the requisition module, users can start the process of creating the following:

  • RFQ.
  • RFP.
  • Single sourcing. 
  • Reverse auction.

A requisition table log shows: 

  • Requisition date.
  • Requisition number. 
  • Title.
  • Delivery location. 
  • Requisition type. 
  • Approved by. 
  • Status.


Fig.253 requisition landing screen. 

How to Search for a Requisition.

There are two ways users can make a quick search for a requisition: either by using the search box, searching by filter, or scrolling using pagination. 

  • Using the search box, the user will have to input the requisition number in the search box marked with a red arrow in the image below. 
  • Search by filter or sort: through the filter search, users can filter search by inputting date, requisition status, end date, urgency status, department, or location. The user can use any of these options to search.
  • Search using pagination: users can search using the pagination button that automatically scrolls to the next available page.

Fig.254 search box and filter search are both annotated with red.

Fig.255 filter search popup screen.

User can as well use the sort requisition button to filter by date, number, title, delivery location and requisition type 

Terms to look out for: 

  1. Catalogue item.
  2. Non catalog item. 
  3. Service item. 
  • Catalog item: Catalogue items are items listed by vendors registered with the company showing available product. This is where user sees the items listed by vendors of the company.  
  • Non catalogue item: Non-Catalog items are item listed by the company, requests are used to create purchase request for one off purchases for product or service that are not in a supplier catalogue 
  • Service item: This are items that are open ended and user does not need to add any vendor while creating a service item. When a user create a service item, you specify the item that need service, you can link a service item to an item in inventory and does not need a price tag.