To create a supplier vendor user will use the following steps:

  1. Click on E-procurement. 
  2. Click on supplier. 
  3. Click on add a new supplier. 
  4. Vendor ID is auto-generated. 
  5. Input supplier first name. 
  6. Input supplier last name. 
  7. Input supplier email. 
  8. Input supplier phone number. 
  9. Select preferred company. 
  10. Select corresponding business category. 
  11. Choose country. 
  12. Select state. 
  13. Select city.
  14. Input company name. 


Fig.251 popup screen for creating supplier vendor. 

  • Upon clicking save details, created supplier will receive an email to complete supplier registration with Vendor On-Boarding Required as the subtitle. A temp code will be provided in the mail that will be use in login to continue the registration. User will click on the complete registration link which will redirect supplier user to the registration screen.  Fig.252 complete registration email, temp code is annotated with red while clickable registration link is annotated with yellow.

  • On-clicking the complete registration button, user will be redirected to the supplier registration screen bellow (image 4.2), user will input the temp code given and click continue button to complete registration process. 

         For more details use the link: How to Create Supplier Vendor.

Fig.253 supplier registration landing screen on-clicking complete registration (as annotated with yellow arrow on image 4.1)