To create budget, user will:

  1. Click on budget. 
  2. Click create budget. Fig.350.
  3. Input budget name. 
  4. Select company. 
  5. Assign user using dropdown.
  6. Select what should be included in the budget using checkbox. 
  7. Select period (monthly, quarterly or yearly). 
  8. Choose start date. 
  9. Choose end date. 
  10. Click create budget. Fig.351 pop-up screen for creating budget, budget created automatically gets updated on the table log.

How to Add Budget line item.

  1. Click on dotted button beneath the action column.
  2. Click on view. 
  3. Click new budget line. 
  4. Input budget description.
  5. Input budget amount. 
  6. Choose start date. 
  7. Choose end date. 
  8. Select department using dropdown. 
  9. Select material category using dropdown. 
  10. Select purchase group using dropdown. 
  11. Click create budget line item. 

Fig.352 dotted action tile is annotated with an arrow. 

Fig.353 popup screen on-clicking the dotted action button, view button is annotated with an arrow. 

The next popup screen is for adding line item to a created or existing budget. 

Fig.354 create new budget line item button is annotated with red arrow. 

Fig.355 popup screen on-clicking new budget line, to create budget line.