Every quotation submitted by a supplier must be evaluated, accepted Rfq and submitted proposal by any supplier comes to the evaluation module, which user will have access to scrutinize, analyze and select the best suitable supplier, the evaluation module screen shows all supplier in selection process, in negotiation, completed and a table log showing; 

  • project ID, 
  • description, 
  • requisition code, 
  • team lead, 
  • number of submitted quotes,
  • number of invited vendors, 
  • status. 

Fig.269 evaluation landing screen showing project that needs to be evaluated. 

On-clicking the "in negotiation" button (as shown in image 5.0) the analysis screen will come up, showing details of invited vendors, submitted quotes, qualified vendor, inhouse estimate bar chart, commercial requirement bar chart, option to upload document (if any) and the analyze button. The next is to click analyze and generate resultFig.270 analysis screen on clicking in-negotiate (as shown in image 5.0), analyze and generate result is annotated with yellow arrow

The screen bellow comes up after clicking analyze and generate result. User will then select preferred vendor to be analyzed/award. Fig.271 landing screen for vendor selection using checkbox.

Award, invite for presentation, disqualify and publish button all become active after selecting preferred supplier vendor using checkbox, selected vendor is annotated with red arrow. With this screen, user can award or disqualify a supplier.

Fig.272 selected vendor for evaluation is annotated with red. 

the screen below come up when user click on individual supplier and can be use to view supplier score rating (click view button) Fig.273 view button is marked with red arrow. 

popup screen after clicking view button which shows supplier score over 100. Fig.274 supplier pop score sheet over 100.