User can follow these steps to create an entity: 

  1. Click on settings module.
  2. Select company data.
  3. Click on create entity.
  4. Select company logo by browsing through desktop file.
  5. Input entity name.
  6. ERP number is auto generated.
  7. Select country using dropdown. 
  8. Input address.
  9. Select currency using dropdown. 
  10. Click "submit" button. 

Fig.79 Create entity is marked with red arrow.

Fig.80 create entity popup screen, toggle button to upload entity is annotated with red.  

User can edit an existing legal entity by clicking on the dotted action tile. This will popup a clickable edit button

Fig.81 annotated with red is the clickable dotted action button and the popup edit button.


Fig.82 popup screen to edit existing entity. 

User can as well upload new entity by using the toggle button to download the sample template, fill in needed details and upload. While uploading, user must upload document in "CSV" file

Fig. 83 popup screen after using the upload template toggle button.