The following process can be use to create a new requisition for the following:

  • RFQ.
  • RFP. 
  • Single sourcing.
  • Reverse auction. 

To create a requisition, user will:

  1. Click on requisition module. 
  2. Click on create requisition.  Fig.256 requisition landing screen. 
  3. Input description.
  4. Select type using dropdown. 
  5. Select company using dropdown.
  6. Select department using dropdown. 
  7. Select currency using dropdown.
  8. Select vendor.
  9. choose preferred purchasing group. 
  10. Select delivery location using dropdown. 
  11. choose delivery 
  12. Click create new requisition.

Fig.256.1 popup screen to create new requisition. 

  • After successfully creating a requisition, the next step is to add items to the requisition. When adding item to requisition; this part displays vendors catalog (access to all vendors catalog). With this, user to select product needed based on preference (product needed)
  • The requisition item status will remain as a draft and cannot be published until an item is added, then the publish button will become clickable.  

Fig.257 add line item is annotated with arrow.

When adding items, user can either add items as; 

  • Catalog item: catalogue item are items listed by vendors registered with the company showing available product. This is where user sees the items listed by vendors of the company.  
  • Non catalogue item: Non-Catalog items are item listed by the company, requests are used to create purchase request for one off purchases for product or service that are not in a supplier catalogue 
  • Service item: this are items that are open ended and user does not need to add any vendor while creating a service item. When a user create a service item, you specify the item that need service, you can link a service item to an item in inventory and does not need a price tag.

 Add Catalogue line item; On-clicking the add item (as annotated with arrow in image 3.2) the catalogue item is the first popup screen by default. User will select the preferred catalogue item to add using the available checkbox. 

Fig.258 add catalogue line item screen, selecting preferred line item to add using checkbox as annotated with red arrow.

Adding non catalog as line item screen, which user can select preferred item to add by using the checkbox. Fig.259 non catalog item screen, items can be added by using the checkbox (as annotated with arrow)

Service item: to add the service item user will;

  • Select category using dropdown. 
  • Input quantity. 
  • Input service description. 

Fig.260 popup screen for adding service item.

After adding the line item, the next is to publish the requisition item created, user can as well add more item to the requisition before publishing. User can also delete line added item. 

Fig.261 updated table showing added item and clickable publish button annotated with red. annotated with blue arrow is the delete button for removing item.

Fig.262 popup screen to confirm publishing a requisition.

  • Upon publishing a requisition, user will wait for the appropriate person to initiate approval.

Fig.263 popup screen to confirm removal of requisition item (after clicking the button annotated with blue arrow as shown in image 3.6). 

  • Requisition items created will flow to the sourcing module after being approved. 
  • The user will then create a sourcing project and publish it using the purchase requisition tile in the sourcing module.
  • User awaits the supplier to accept bids, and after the supplier accepts bids, the next step is to evaluate the supplier bids using the evaluation module. 
  • Upon successfully evaluating different vendors, the user can award a contract to the supplier with the best offer.
  • Once awarded, a purchase order can be raised for goods to be supplied by the vendor.

    Note: When creating a requisition for; RFP, RFQ, or reverse auction, the user will not select a preferred vendor in the first stage of creating the requisition. 
    Also, after an item has been approved by the appropriate user, approved items will flow into the sourcing module for user to create a purchase requisition (sourcing project). The user can view the process flow chart for more guidance.