The following steps are guide to create purchase order (request product from supplier): 

  1. Click on Purchase orders.
  2. Click on create purchase orders. Fig.280 purchase order landing screen. create PO button is annotated with red arrow. 
  3. Select preferred order from existing supplier vendor using checkbox. Fig.281 next screen after clicking create PO to select preferred supplier using checkbox 
  4. Click continue to preview selected item. 
  5. Click continue on the sourcing items screen. Fig.282 preview screen
  6. Input date.
  7. Select preferred payment terms using dropdown. 
  8. Select purchase group code. 
  9. Input tax code (percentage). 
  10. Click create purchase order.  Fig.283 create purchase order screen

  • When a purchase order is create, the table is automatically update and purchase order will appear as draft, the next step is to publish by clicking the PO that is still save as draft which will show details of PO as well as the delivery status pie chart.  Fig.284 newly created purchase order showing as draft, user will click on draft item to publish. 

  • On-clicking the draft item, the screen below comes up showing purchase order details, and the publish button becomes active. Upon satisfactory preview, user can click on the publish button. By doing so, a mail indicating that a purchase order have been generated will be sent to the concerned supplier.  Fig.285 publish button is annotated with red arrow. 

Note: when user successfully creates a purchase order, the next is create a goods receipt once the product is supplied by the vendor.