To create a Non PO invoice, user will: 

  1. Click on the invoice tile. 
  2. Click create invoice.
  3. Select non purchase order invoice. 
  4. Input contract reference. 
  5. Select currency using using dropdown.
  6. Select department using dropdown.
  7. Select supplier.
  8. Input supplier invoice number. 
  9. Select payment terms using dropdown.
  10. Date is auto fix.
  11. Select tax using dropdown.
  12. Click submit.

Fig.316 invoice screen with annotation showing step guide.

Fig.317 create non purchase order popup screen.

After clicking the create non purchase order invoice button, the next screen is to add line item to the created Non-PO. The confirm button will remain inactive until a line item is added to the purchase order. Fig.318 landing screen after creating a non purchase order invoice, add line item is annotated with red arrow.

To add line item user will:

  • Click on add line item (as annotated with arrow in image 6.2 above)
  • Input description. 
  • Input amount. 
  • Input quantity. 
  • Add tax option (Yes or No). 
  • Click submit. 

 Fig.319 popup screen to add line item. 

After adding line item to the non PO invoice, the confirm button becomes active and clickable. User will then click on the confirm button and the status of the Non purchase order invoice will change to pending to be approved by the authorized user. Fig.320 confirm button is annotated with red

Fig.321 updated Invoice landing screen showing invoice status as pending after adding line item to be approved by authorized user.

Status Key Words 

  • Draft: Draft status are newly created invoice without line item.  
  • Pending: Pending status are invoice that are waiting to reviewed and approved.
  • Posted: Posted status are the invoice that have been approved and posted.