To create goods receipt, user will: 

  1. Click goods receipt. 
  2. Click create goods receipt. Fig.291 annotated with red is the create goods receipt button. 

  3. Select preferred movement type (movement type selected will determine the popup screen).
  4. Type in description.
  5. Select purchase order using dropdown. 
  6. Click continueFig.292 pop-up screen to create goods receipt. 

  7. Select preferred item to add (using the plus button annotated with red fig. 293)Fig.293 next landing screen to select preferred group using checkbox. Submit button is annotated with red arrow. 
  8. Select storage bin to receive product and input received quantity supplied. 
  9. Click submit button. 

The goods receipt log table will auto update, showing newly created clickable receipt as annotated in image below.

Fig.294 updated table log showing newly created goods receipt.


On-clicking, the next screen shows details of the generated receipt and can be downloaded, the percentage chart shows the value of not delivered goods and delivered goods 

Fig.295 details showing goods receipt. 

Noted: Successful goods receipt created (received materialscan be use to generate purchase order invoice.