To create goods receipts for received item, user will:

  1. Click on goods receipt.
  2. Click on create goods receipt. Fig.296
  3. Click on the movement type dropdown (selected movement type determines what pops up).Fig.297 annotated with red arrow is the dropdown to select goods movement type
  4. Select received materials. Fig.298 annotated with red the initial entry
  5. Input description.
  6. Select purchase order. 
  7. Click continue.Fig.299

The screen below is the next popup screen after clicking create goods movement type for initial entry. User can add more items to the receipt by clicking the add item button. There is also option to save as draft before proceeding further. 

The next step on this landing screen is input the necessary item by: 

  • Inputting material using dropdown.
  • Select location using dropdown. 
  • Select storage bin using dropdown. 
  • Input quantity. 
  • Input amount (auto).  
  • Click on submit (as annotated with red arrow in figure below)

Fig.300 more items can be added using the "add item" button annotated with red arrow.