Supplier rating module shows all companies suppliers rating. Supplier rating is an indication that the vendor has consistently met the expectations of their clients (attached company) and has provided quality products or services. It is important for businesses to consider the supplier rating when selecting vendors, as it can greatly impact their own performance and reputation. By choosing vendors with high ratings, businesses can ensure that they receive timely deliveries of quality products or services, which in turn can help them meet their own deadlines and improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, working with highly rated suppliers can also lead to cost savings, as they are more likely to offer competitive pricing due to their established reputation in the market. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to carefully evaluate supplier ratings before making any decisions regarding vendor selection.


Fig.361 supplier rating landing screen.

When you click on a company line item, the screen below shows all suppliers and their rating under the company. Example: when you click on Smart Ventures (as annotated in fig 361) the next popup page will show all suppliers ratings under Smart Ventures.Fig.362 landing screen after clicking Brazeim Ranch.

User can as well edit rating by clicking on the dotted action button. 

Fig.363 dotted action button is annotated with a yellow arrow, while the edit popup is annotated with red. 

On clicking the edit button, user will have the option to edit ratings. Fig.364 popup screen to edit rating.