When a supplier registers, the details flow to the approval module where it would be vetted through the following steps:

  1. Click on eProcurement. 
  2. Click on approval module. 
  3. Click filter button.Fig.188 approval landing screen
  4. Select vendor onboarding. Fig.189 popup screen on-clicking the filter dropdown. Vendor onboarding is annotated with blue.
  5. Click on preferred vendor.Fig.190 preferred vendor Skyrun limited is selected. 
  6. Review the details
    i. Contact Information
    ii. Bank Information
    iii. Business Category 
    Fig.191 on selecting supplier, the contact information screen is the first landing screen to access.

    Fig.192 bank information screen. 

    Fig.193 business category screen. User can add more business category by simply clicking add category as annotated with blue arrow. 

Fig.196 annotated with box is the popup screen after clicking add more category as annotated with blue arrow in image 193.

7. Click on approve.Fig.194 approval or reject button is annotated with red. 

Upon successful approval of a supplier, the eProcurement dashboard is automatically updated showing new figure of total suppliers. 

Fig.195 eProcurement dashboard showing updated total suppliers