The contract settings module provides a comprehensive and flexible solution for managing all aspects of contract creation, customization, and approval within the contract management system.

Users can customize and configure various aspects of their contracts. This includes defining contract templates, setting up approval workflows, and specifying contract terms and conditions. 

Settings module allows users to manage user roles and permissions, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive contract information.

Also contract settings have four (4) separate sub-tiles, the settings sub-tile

Contracts settings sub-tiles: 

  1. Contract types: This section allows  users create, define and categorize different types of contracts based on their specific characteristics. 
  2. Contract fields: The contract fields enables users to customize and add additional fields to capture relevant information for each contract.  
  3. Clause library: The clause library provides a repository of pre-defined clauses that can be easily inserted into contracts for efficient drafting. 
  4. Approval workflow: The approval workflow allows users to establish a systematic process for reviewing and approving contracts, ensuring compliance and accountability.

Contract types is the landing screen on-clicking settings module in contract management. Fig. 400 contract settings landing screen, showing contract types screen. 

Fig. 401contract field landing screen. 

Fig.402 clause library landing screen. 

Fig.403contract approval workflow screen.