Every contracts requires some certain conditions (clause). This feature allows you to easily customize and tailor your contracts according to your specific needs and requirements. The clause library enables you to save time and effort by providing pre-written clauses that can be readily inserted into your contracts, ensuring consistency and accuracy throughout the process. 

How To Create Contract Clause 

To create contract clause user will use the following steps:

  1. Click on settings (contract management settings). 
  2. Click clause library. 
  3. Click create clause. 
  4. Input clause name 
  5. Select contract types you are attaching the clause to by using the dropdown button.
  6. Click create. 
  7. Proceed to type in contract clause.
  8. Click save. 

creating contract clause

create button is annotated with red arrow.

After typing details of the contract clause, user can proceed to save as annotated with red arrow.  

User have the option to edit existing contract clause by clicking the dotted button and proceed to either edit or delete contract clause dotted button is annotated with red arrow and the next popup on clicking is annotated with red.