This feature can be use to create approval flow process for all contracts. The following approvals can be created under approval workflow: 

  • Contract request.
  • Contract authoring.

How To Create Approval Workflow 

There are two steps to successfully create approval workflow:  

STEP 1: Create workflow

  1. Click on settings.
  2. Click approval workflow. 
  3. Click create workflow. 
  4. Select process using dropdown. 
  5. Select entity. 
  6. Click create workflow. 

Fig 91. Approval flow landing screen.

Fig 92. Popup screen for creating approval flow.

STEP 2: Adding Steps. 

On creating approval workflow process, the next step is to create steps for each approvals workflows. To add workflow steps user will:

  1. Click on the dotted button. 
  2. Click view steps. Fig 93. Annotated with blue is the dotted button while the annotation with red arrow points to view steps button.
  3. Click add step button. 
  4. Select user ID using dropdown. 
  5. Input description.
  6. Click create workflow step. 

Fig 94. Popup screen to add steps to existing approval.

Fig 95. Popup screen on-clicking add step button.

Note: the same process can be use create approval workflow for the following:

  • Contract request. 
  • Contract authoring.