Contract request can be use to create new contracts for a companyor to request modifications or updates to existing contracts. It provides a formal and structured process for initiating contractual agreements, ensuring that all necessary information and terms are included. Additionally, contract requests help streamline communication between different departments or individuals involved in the contract creation process, facilitating efficient collaboration and decision-making.

Furthermore, contract requests can also serve as a record-keeping tool, allowing companies to track and document the history of contract negotiations and changes. This can be particularly useful for legal and compliance purposes, as well as for future reference or audits. Ultimately, utilizing contract requests can help improve overall contract management and ensure that all parties involved are on the same page throughout the entire process.  

Fig.500 contract request landing screen with table log showing created contract request pending approval and contracts still save as draft

Fig.501 annotation showing create contract request button.

Contract request popup screen, showing submit button. 

Contract details is the next popup screen when user click submit button, all details on this screen are fixed items and not clickable, so you have to click continue to move to the next screen which is contract components. 

Annotated with red shows items created as contract components. User can add more than one components to a contract.