The following steps can be use to create contract request:

  1. Click contract request module.
  2. Click create contract request button. 
  3. Select contract types using dropdown (user must have created an existing contract type using the settings module). 
  4. Input description.
  5. Select legal entity using dropdown. 
  6. Choose business partner using dropdown. 
  7. Choose primary contact using dropdown. 
  8. Select start date and End date.
  9. Click submit.

Fig.901 annotated with red arrow is the contract request button.

Contract request popup screen (annotation showing submit button). 

  • Contract details is the next popup screen when user click submit button, all details on this screen are fixed items and not clickable, so you have to click continue to move to the next screen which is contract components.

  • Contract component is the next popup screen on-clicking continue. With this screen, you can add components to contract request by taking the following steps: 
  • Input item description. 
  • Select currency using dropdown. 
  • Input price 
  • Input quantity. 
  • Select unit of measurement using dropdown. 
  • Amount is auto calculated based on the price and quantity.
  • Click add button. 

  • On clicking add components, the upper part of the screen will be populated with newly added component, you can create and add more than one contract components. 
  • Next is to tick the check box as annotated with blue arrow. 
  • Click submit (annotated with yellow arrow).