1. Click on create catalogue button on screen.
  2. Input product ID 
  3. Input product description.
  4. select unit of measurement ID using dropdown.
  5. Choose preferred currency. 
  6. Select material type using the dropdown.
  7. Input price.
  8. Select currency. 
  9. Select material category (UNSPSC) using dropdown.
  10. Choose material image (Insert image from file by clicking the upload file button). 
  11. Click create button, item becomes published and is populated on the catalog screen (user can as well save as draft). Fig.64 catalog landing screen. Annotated with red box is the create catalog button. 
    Fig.64 pop-up screen to create catalogue  Fig.65 popup screen to create a catalog item.

  12. Click on the dotted button (to view, edit, and delete item). 
  13. Click the edit button. 

  14. Inspect the next popup screen if details tally with what was initially create then Click publish button.