To accepts bids User will: 

  1. Click on bids.
  2. Choose preferred bid to accept
  3. Click on the dotted button to accept. Fig.26 bids landing screen. Annotated is the dotted button and accept button respectively. 

  4. Click accept button to confirm acceptance. Fig.27 popup screen to confirm acceptance of a bids. 

  5. Click on dotted button to review accepted bid.
  6. Review the overview and respond when needed.  
  7. Respond to the technical requirement question. 
  8. Click on commercial requirement to input pricing; it have a table log that shows:
  • SN (serial number).
  • Item description.
  • Price. 
  • Quantity.
  • Discount.
  • Amount.

Fig.29 commercial requirement screen, save as draft is marked with red arrow. 

       6. Click save as draft to save changes after inputing the necessary detail. 

       7. Click on respond.Fig.30 popup screen to save changes.

Fig.31 respond button is marked with red arrow.

  • When you successfully respond to a bid, the status of bid becomes submitted and will be evaluated by an authorized user (buyer). Fig.32 status of the bids changes to submitted after successfully responding to bid.

  • When bid is evaluated and accepted (by the buyer), it reflects back in bids as negotiation (status). This signifies that buyer wants to negotiate, this gives the supplier an avenue to reduce pricing or give discount on product/service if need be. 
  • You have to review and respond to bids in negotiation status for it to be awarded. 
  • When a supplier successfully wins a bid, the status will change to awarded