The user management module gives the user access to view number of Users, Create new member and view user logs. 

The following information about the User are displayed in the user log table: 

  • First Name. 
  • Last Name.
  • Phone Number. 
  • Email.
  • Role.
  • Status.
  • Action (can be use to view, edit and deactivate existing member).

There is also a search box for quick surf while searching for user.  

 Fig.67 landing screen upon clicking User Mgt. module. search box is annotated with red.

Through the 3 dots on the Action column marked with the red arrow, user can take some actions. 

Fig.68 the action tile is marked with red arrow 

The action button allows the user to perform the following actions: 

  • View 
  • Deactivate 
  • Edit 
  • Delete 

 Fig.69 Pop-up screen after on-clicking an individual user action tile is annotated with red box. 

The view member screen is a non editable screen that only shows details of a member.Fig.70 popup screen for viewing individual user details.

 Fig.72 edit member popup screen. 

Popup screen when user click on the deactivate button.