Through the company document module, users can manage supplier registration data. This tile shows detailed information of documents used or uploaded during supplier registration, such as: 

  • Contact information.
  • Registered agency.
  • Company address. 
  • Support information.
  • Bank information.
    Fig.34 company docs landing screen, 


  • User can view and download existing registered documents details.Fig.35 landing screen after clicking on a document. 


To view, edit or deactivate team information, user will: 

  • Click on company docs
  • Click on view company profile (beside upload button). 
  • View company profile landing screen, details showing data used for registration.
  • Click team. Fig.36 details landing screen, showing company profile information with details used during registration. 

  • Team tile: it shows details of all created supplier (both active & deactivated users). You can view, edit or deactivate user by using this tab.    Fig.37 team landing screen, showing all existing team
  • With the popup screen as annotated with red, user can decide to view, deactivate or edit any team information. Fig.38 popup screen on clicking the dotted action button which can be use to view, deactivate and edit.