To create a purchase order invoice, user will 

  1. Click on the invoice module on the supplier portal.
  2. Select create invoice tile. 
  3. Select PO number using dropdown.
  4. Input Supplier Invoice number.
  5. Select payment terms using the dropdown.
  6. Input due date.
  7. Click on the create purchase order invoice button.

Fig.44 popup screen after clicking create invoice.

When the User clicks on create, he is taken to the landing page shown blow. On this page, the User is mandated to confirm invoice by clicking on the invoice draft item to review and add note to invoice when necessary.

 Fig.45 landing screen after "create invoice" is clicked and created invoice show as draft

Confirm button is annotated with red.

 Fig. 46 pop screen to add note.

Once the User clicks on Confirm button, the Invoice is immediately forwarded for approval on the buyer side and the status shows "posted".Fig.49 pop up screen after confirm button has been clicked, which automatically shows invoice status as posted as annotated with red.