The department log provides detailed information about all the departments created, including the total number of existing departments. The department logs display important information such as: 

  • the department ID, 
  • department name, 
  • ERP code, 
  • assigned entity, 
  • assigned location, and 
  • head of department (HOD). 

These information is crucial for tracking and managing the various departments within an organization. 

Fig.86 Popup screen after clicking department log. Newly created or edited department is updated on the log table as annotated with red. 

How to Create Department

To create department user must have an existing, entity and location; the following steps can be use to create department: 

  • Click on settings module.
  • Click on location data.
  • Click on department log.
  • Click on create department. 

Fig.87 create department button is annotated with red arrow.

Fig.88 Popup screen after clicking create department button.

  • Type in department name.
  • ERP code is auto generated.
  • Assign legal entity using dropdown.
  • Assign to HOD using dropdown (optional).
  • Assign location using dropdown
  • Click on submit button.

User can delete and edit department by hovering your mouse on the dotted action button annotated with yellow arrow. The delete and edit buttons will popup as annotated with red below. Fig.89 dotted clickable action edit and delete department button is annotated with yellow.

Additionally, the log provides a range of actions that can be used for editing or deleting departments that have been created. This feature ensures that departments can be updated or removed as needed to maintain accurate records and streamline operations. The tile is a valuable resource for any organization looking to effectively manage its various departments and ensure smooth operations. 

Fig.90 popup screen for editing department. 

Note: When a new department is created, the department log is automatically updated showing details of the newly created department as annotated with blue on screen below. 

Fig. 90.1 table log showing newly created department