To create an RFP, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on sourcing. 
  2. Click on purchase requisition. 
  3. Click the dotted action button on preferred line item. 
  4. Click create button. 
  5. Select team lead using dropdown. 
  6. Select sourcing team using dropdown.
  7. Describe project in note. 
  8. Select RFP from the list. 
  9. Input tender validity in days. 
  10. Select the desired technical and commercial weight for the project. 
  11. Click create details.  

Fig.234 create sourcing screen. 


  • This will show as a draft item on the sourcing project document log. 
  • Click the action dots to view and continue filling the form on the following pages: overview, technical requirement, commercial requirement and invite vendors.  

Fig.235 newly created sourcing project showing as draft item under sourcing project, clickable draft item is annotated with red arrow.

Overview Screen: 

The following information are captured on this page: 

  • Requisition details 
  • Log table
  • Requirement description  
  • In-house estimate, 
  • Qualifying percentage 
  • Option to upload a document  

Fig.236 overview landing page on clicking draft item in sourcing project.

Technical Requirement: 

The KPI questionnaire for Technical requirements are captured on this page.

To add a KPI, you can either choose a different KPI or create KPI. To create KPI, follow these steps:

Fig.237 technical requirement landing screen with create KPI annotated with red.

  • select field type using dropdown.
  • Input preferred question. 
  • Input question order (figure). 
  • Select question importance (rating 1-10) the higher the number, the more important the question.
  • Toggle the button to set question as important for supplier.    Fig.238 create KPI question popup screen.

Commercial Requirement: 

To add a KPI, you can either choose a different KPI or create KPI. To create KPI, follow these steps: 

Fig.239 commercial requirement landing screen, create KPI for commercial requirement is annotated with red arrow.

  • select field type using dropdown.
  • Input preferred question. 
  • Input question order (figure). 
  • Select question importance (rating 1-10) the higher the number, the more important the question.
  • Toggle the button to set question as important for supplier.  

Fig.240 create KPI question popup screen. 

Invite Vendors:

This page captures the information of the invited vendors: 

  • An invite vendor button 
  • A log table of selected vendors: item, vendor ID, vendor description, email and date invited. 

To invite vendors: 

Fig.240 invite vendor landing screen.

  • Click the invite vendors button 
  • Choose from the options: vendor category and market research.
  • If vendor category was selected then select the desired business category from the dropdown box. 
  • If market research was selected, then select the desired vendor from the dropdown box. 
  • Click invite vendors.

Fig.241 invite vendor screen .

Updated screen showing invited vendors 

Once the forms are completed: 

  • Return to the overview page. 
  • Save as draft or;
  • Click publish. 

Fig.242 publish button is annotated with red arrow. 

NB - Once published: 

  • The RFP goes for approval if an approval workflow was setup and the status would be pending on the sourcing project log table. 
  • If no approval workflow was setup, the RFP shows up on the sourcing project log table as approved and the countdown begins. 

Fig.243: a screen showing an RFP with a pending status 

Fig.244:  a screen showing an RFP with an approved status