To create a Single Sourcing project, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the sourcing module. 
  2. Click on purchase requisition. 
  3. Click the dotted action button on preferred line item. 
  4. Click create button. 
  5. Select team lead using dropdown. 
  6. Select sourcing team using dropdown.
  7. Describe project in note. 
  8. Select single sourcing from the list. 
  9. Input tender validity in days. 
  10. Select the desired vendor. 
  11. Click create details.  

Fig.234 create sourcing team popup screen. 

NB: Once create details is selected: 

  • The Single Sourcing is automatically approved and sent to the invited vendor just like an RFQ. 
  • It flows into the sourcing project as an approved RFx.