To create a new project, user will:

  1. Click on projects.
  2. Click add project button. 
  3. Input project name. 
  4. Input project description.
  5. project reference. 
  6. Select currency using dropdown.
  7. Select location.
  8. Input budget amount. 
  9. Select company. 
  10. Input start date and end date. 
  11. Click submit button. Fig.235 popup screen to create new project.

  • Newly create project will populate the project log table with status showing as draft. User will click on the project (with draft status) and proceed to publish project. 

  • On-clicking the publish button, project status will become pending for the appropriate user to approve. 
    Fig.236 publish button is annotated with red.
    Fig.237 newly published project status showing as pending annotated with red.

  • An approved project will automatically have its status updated to in-progress. The user can proceed to add activity to project.