Executed contract displays all contracts that have been executed and contracts awaiting renewal. It provides details such as the parties involved, terms of agreement, and date of execution. This feature allows users to easily track completed contracts and access important information for future reference. The contract management system also sends automated reminders for upcoming renewals.
Fig.432 Executed contract landing screen

A clickable action button can be use to view a signed agreement, download a contract document, or terminate a contract.

Inner screen on-clicking an item on executed contract. 

Version history: Showing the detailed history of users that have carried out an action or modified a particular contract. This feature allows for transparency and accountability within the system, as users can easily track changes made to contracts over time. It also provides valuable insights into the decision-making process and helps identify any potential issues or discrepancies. 

Signatories: The signatories display all signees to a particular contract. It serves as a record of all parties who have agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in the contract. It is essential for legal purposes and ensures accountability among all involved parties. 

View PDF: This tile can be used to view contract details or other important documents that have been saved in a PDF format. It provides a convenient way to access and review information without needing to open the document in a separate program. 

Renewals: This tile shows all contracts that have been programmed to be renewed in the upcoming months. It provides a clear overview of when each contract is set to expire and allows for easy tracking and management of renewals. This feature helps ensure that contracts are not accidentally overlooked or forgotten about. 

All renewed contract will flow back to contract authoring module to be edited and published by the authorized user. This seamless integration streamlines the process of renewing contracts and ensures that all necessary updates are made before finalizing the renewal. By centralizing contract management in one platform, organizations can improve efficiency and reduce the risk of errors or oversights.